June Birthstone

Pearl birth stone

What is the Birthstone for June?
Giving a piece of jewelry containing a birthstone gem will bring the wearer with good luck and protection. Monthly birthstones symbolize the month of birth according to the Gregorian Calendar. What is the Birth stone for June? The following old poem provides the answer! And this page provides some information about the meaning of the June gem stone, the color, symbolism and significance of this lovely birth stone:

June Birthstone poem - the Pearl
"Who comes with summer to this earth
And owes to June her hour of birth
A pearl should wear against her skin
Who's innocence many a heart shall win."

June Birthstone - Properties of the Pearl
For those who were born in the month of June the Pearl is the traditional birthstone. The June birthstone poem reflects some of the properties with which the Pearl is associated - loyalty, faithfulness and friendship. The Traditional Metaphysical Properties for the June Birthstone Pearl are modesty, chastity and purity. The healing properties of the June birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to the heart, spleen, stomach, intestine & ulcer problems. The Pearl is also used to enhance personal integrity.

June Birthstone


June Birthstone Zodiac Sign
The twelve Zodiac signs are an astrological version of birthstones in addition to the twelve calendar months. The June birthstone of the Pearl is considered to be the birthstone for Gemini (The sign of the Twins) and relate to those born between May 21 - June 21. The Zodiac sign of Gemini also responds to Emerald Alexandrite, Agate and the Ruby.

June Birthstone - Where are Pearls found?
The popular June Birthstone of the Pearl is found in the following countries:

  • Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Mannar, the South Pacific, the Gulf of California, the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific coast of Mexico, Europe, Japan and Australia

June Birthstone - the Color of the Pearl
The traditional color associated with the Pearl is the milky white color and was strongly favored as a popular gem in Victorian jewelry. Pearls come in a wide variety of colors ranging from white to black. The color of a pearl might be classed as white, silver, cream-colored, gold, green, blue or black.

Definition of the Pearl, additional information about the June Birthstone
Definition of Pearl, the June birth stone: The word Pearl is derived from the Latin word "pirum" which means "pear" which reflects the shape of the gem. A smooth lustrous round structure having a brilliant luster, with varying tints, found inside the shell of a mollusk such as a clam or oyster. It is formed due to a secretion of shelly substance around some irritating foreign particle. Its substance is the same as nacre, or mother-of-pearl. Pearls which are round, or nearly round, and of fine luster, are highly esteemed as jewels, and compare in value with precious stones. Real pearls are made by oysters or other mollusks whilst imitation pearls are man-made. Cultured pearls are made by mollusks but with human intervention (an irritant introduced into their shells causes a pearl to grow). A good sized pearl can take between five to eight years to form, which is usually the entire life of the oyster or mollusk. The cost depends on the size and the coating, or “nacre”, on a real pearl which gives it its iridescence.

June Birth stone - the History of the Pearl
For those who were born in the month of June the Pearl is the traditional birthstone. The history, myths, legends and folklore surrounding the magical properties of different birthstones have been handed down through the ages and from different civilisations. This subject has been documented separately in the History of Birthstones section which can be accessed by the link at the top of the page.

June - Birth Stone - Gemstone - Birthday - Zodiac - Sign - Date - Month - Gemstone - Gem - Chart - Color - Facts Information Guide - Zodiac - History - Symbolism - Significance - Birth - Stone - June

Birthstones & Jewelry Insurance
Your home insurance policy may not fully cover you for birthstone jewelry insurance, engagement ring insurance or wedding ring insurance. Your home insurance policy probably covers jewelry theft, but not loss that occurs for other reasons. A typical home insurance policy will only usually pay a maximum of $1,000 for jewelry theft. Obtain a Jewelry Insurance quote from the Chubb group of jewelry insurance.

June Birthstone

  • What is the birthstone for June?
  • Color meaning, symbolism and significance of the June birthstone
  • June Birth stone - Properties of the Pearl
  • Definition of the Pearl, the June Birth stone
  • June Birth stone Zodiac Sign
  • June Birth stone - Where are Pearls found?
  • Colors - Information about the color of the June birthstone
  • June Birth stone poem

June Birthstone


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